Our Services

Thank you for entrusting PrimalMed to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.


How do we get to your PrimalMed Prescription®?

Whether you are Paleo, Keto, Plant Based, Carnivore or just want to ditch sugar and processed vegetable oils, we don't judge…we just educate and help you find YOUR PrimalMed Prescription®. Let’s talk about Primal nutrition, Primal exercise patterns and Primal mindset.

PrimalMed Precision - Before we start, let’s look under the hood.... your metabolic hood and gather information. This is when we obtain your medical and dietary history…everyone has a different story. Initial Assessment is obtained at Nutrition & Wellness Consulting, LLC.

PrimalMed Practice - Now that we have your baseline information, let’s map out a game plan. Where are you now? What are your goals? Where do you want to go? We will work together to develop personalized nutrition and lifestyle interventions.

PrimalMed Performance - This is where your health and wellness plan is revisited and modified as needed. Let’s get you from ‘just OK’ to “optimized and energized.’