About PrimalMed®
A Letter from the PrimalMed® Team
Ted S. Metzger MD and
Ellen Metzger MS, RD
What is PrimalMed®?
Think of PrimalMed® not only as a company, but as a mindset and a lifestyle.
Think of PrimalMed® as a TOOL. A tool that motivates. A tool that allows you to strategize and modify your lifestyle. These actions will hopefully delay or prevent the onset of chronic diseases such as cognitive decline, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
Over the last several decades, we have witnessed an increasing frequency of unwellness in our population.
Despite our best efforts, there continues to be a rising incidence in diabetes and obesity, contributing to the root causes of medical disease.
Despite our best efforts, some of our conventional medical and nutritional advice have NOT served us well. We continue to rely on traditional dogma and new and more powerful drugs, to treat and prevent chronic disease.
This may not always be the best answer.
The PrimalMed® logo arrowheads illustrate our philosophy. We need to look BACK, to our primal and ancestral functional pillars of real food, sensible exercise and other lifestyle modifications, so we can move FORWARD to thrive with a robust vitality.
Your PrimalMed Prescription® echoes this philosophy.